Working out the basics of new sustainability topics in workshops.
In workshops, we look at new ideas or topics around the lab that are significant for sustainability.
Typically, such workshops at EGNATON fall outside the technical or time frame of the routine work of working groups or projects. It is often necessary to involve other external experts to develop the respective topic for EGNATON sufficiently.
New cross-sectional tasks for working groups, new projects, new EGNATON initiatives or new cooperations with different organisations can arise from workshops - or not.
Digital Labs
As one of many impact paths of digital transformation, "digitalisation" affects the laboratory world in many ways. Digitalisation will, therefore, decisively influence and shape developments in the planning, construction, operation and use of laboratory buildings and laboratories soon.
EGNATON and HIS-HE, Hannover, are coordinating a corresponding workshop to be held in spring 2023. Three working groups are preparing the topics in a series of working sessions.
Status of the workshop: active
Ventilation assesment in laboratory buildings
The question of a standardised and transparent sustainability assessment of a laboratory ventilation system only seems easy to answer at first glance.
A group of architects, laboratory and technical planners, fume cupboard specialists, operators and safety engineers set out to discuss and jointly develop an evaluation system for laboratory ventilation linkable to the German DGNB evaluation system.
Status of the workshop: active
Lifecycle costing
Due to the problematic definition of structural parameters and the relatively large amount of time and effort required for data collection, lifecycle costing is mainly carried out only once after completing a building design.
We want to know whether and, if so, in what form we can also develop LCC as a planning tool to support sustainable planning and improve the planning result.
Status of the workshop: planned
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Laboratories change dynamically, partly continuously, and partly disruptively.
EGNATON strives for sustainable answers to emergent changes.
EGNATON's goal is to create international leadership for sustainable German-European laboratory technologies.
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