Statements, opinions, comments on EGNATON e.V..

How are we seen from inside and outside? What public impression do we make?

What should we do better, what should we not do at all, and what should we finally start doing?

People's very personal view of our association. 

You have found an interesting statement that might be suitable for this page?                                                  Then please send it to us.                                                                                                               Thank you very much! 



President:  Miguel Antunes Pinto - PharmaArquitetos



1st Vice President:   Dr. Christoph Heinekamp - Dr. Heinekamp Laborplanung



2nd Vice President:  Mario Don Porto Carero - Johnson & Johnson



CEO:  Bernd Gmeiner

Board of Directors



Angelika Malinowski - Max-Planck-Gesellschaft



Jens Feddern - Siemens Schweiz AG



Maike Kranz - Carpus+Partner AG

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