Thanks for a constructive cooperation
Our partners, fellow campaigners and sponsors deserve our thanks for strengthening sustainability in the planning, construction and operation of laboratory and research. By working together in groups, projects or workshops and exchanging experiences in implementing sustainability strategies,
which was valuable for both sides, it was a win-win situation for everyone involved.
The International Institute for Sustainable Laboratories was the blueprint for the foundation of EGNATON e.V. regarding the goals pursued and strategies applied.
Even today, we are still in lively exchange with the management there and benefit from each other. Currently, the focus is on decarbonisation efforts here and there.
The "Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen DGNB e.V." and its public-law sister, the "Nachhaltiges Bauen (BNB)", presented the rating methodology for sustainable buildings.
EGNATON has followed this methodology in developing the CERT certification for portable laboratory equipment. As a result, both systems complement each other seamlessly.
DIN founded the mirror committee NA 055-02-05 GA "Design, construction and operation of laboratories" for the international standardisation work of ISO/TC 336 "Laboratory design".
It deals with the fundamentals for future-oriented and purpose-adapted planning and construction and the sustainable operation of laboratory buildings.
Egbert Dittrich is chairman of NA 055-02-05 GA and voting representative of DIN NA 055-02-05 GA in ISO/TC 336. EGNATON is a DIN member.
The primary purpose of SEFA (Scientific Equipment & Furniture Association) is to promote "laboratory-grade" furnishings and fixtures. SEFA supports sound practices to promote sustainable solutions in the design, construction, renovation and operation of laboratories. SEFA has similar goals to EGNATON. Therefore, SEFA is an EGNATON member, and EGNATON is a SEFA member.
The "HIS-Institut für Hochschulentwicklung e.V." (HIS-HE) supports and accompanies German universities and ministries in their most important changes and in shaping their future. HIS-HE and EGNATON aim for sustainability criteria and therefore closely follow the respective activities here and there in the planning, construction and operation of research and laboratory buildings.
We are preparing a joint symposium on "Digitalisation in Higher Education and Research".
buildingSMART Germany, together with other national chapters of buildingSMART international, is the European driver for the application of BIM and its acceptance by stakeholders. EGNATON actively supports laboratory-specific and sustainable developments there. EGNATON working groups, in turn, benefit from the BIM know-how of bS.
EGNATON is a member of buildingSMART Germany.
Dr. Klinkner & Partner GmbH is an independent training and consulting company specialising in the laboratory sector. It has been active throughout the German-speaking world for more than 25 years, focusing on analytics, laboratory, quality and information management. The EGNATON Academy has been running the three-day basic seminar TTG1 successfully for years, in cooperation with Dr. Klinkner & Partner, and benefits from the professional framework created in this way.
The Employer's Liability Insurance Association for Raw Materials and the Chemical Industry (BG RCI) is a statutory accident insurance institution and participates in EGNATON Working Group 3 without being an EGNATON member and was decisively involved there in the seminar development for TTG1. WG 3 "Working conditions" has also repeatedly been met on BG RCI in Heidelberg. has been verified by as one of the safest websites for users in 2023!
EGNATON as member of the corporate climate protection network
We cooperate with Vogel Communications Group GmbH & Co. KG in organising regional laboratory trade fairs through our contributions to the integrated lecture programme.
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Laboratories change dynamically, partly continuously, and partly disruptively.
EGNATON strives for sustainable answers to emergent changes.
EGNATON's goal is to create international leadership for sustainable German-European laboratory technologies.
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