Impact of the Digital Transformation on Sustainability Efforts
Upcoming appointments*
We welcome our new EGNATON members
16.02.2023 Nickl & Partner Architekten AG
10.01.2023 Erlab D.F.S.
25.10.2022 SIEMENS AG - Siemens Deutschland
15.09.2022 Gmeiner Marketing Services
15.09.2022 SVR ARCHITECTS nv
Further notifications
24.05.2023 WG10/ PG IFC4Lab Meeting @ WiriTec, Bensheim
31.05.-02.06 2023 EGNATON @Future Labs LIVE Base
06.06.2023 WG1/WG8 | 14:00-16:00
12.06.2023 EGNATON CUBE Virtual Lab Building/Planning
13.06.2023 EGNATON @ LAB-SUPPLY Berlin
19.06.2023 EGNATON Forum June 2023
10.07.2023 EGNATON Forum July 2023
18.-19.07.2023 EGNATON Workshop Safety Mapping & Eco Mapping
05.09.2023 EGNATON @ LAB-SUPPLY Hannover
28.09.2023 EGNATON @ LAB-SUPPLY Dresden
*) Contact us if you are interested in an appointment/topic.
Attention all those interested in our conference
We regret that we have to cancel the Lab Design Conference on 21 and 22 March 2023. We are postponing the event until autumn.
Please continue to follow the notices on our website for the new event date and any changes to the programme.
CERT for laboratory washers
- Call for Participation
As part of the certification process, EGNATON CERT invites interested laboratory washer experts to participate.
Work objective:
definition of appropriate and verifiable sustainability parameters for assessment.
Interested parties, don't hesitate to contact the head of CERT directly.
------------------------------- -------- first call
Impact of the Digital Transformation on Sustainability Efforts
As part of the ongoing digitalisation project, EGNATON will increasingly focus on the impact of digital transformation on sustainability goals in the planning, construction, operation and use of laboratory buildings.
The interactions of the introduction of digital technologies with the three sustainability dimensions will be worked out and documented. The goal is a sustainable introduction of digital technologies - in a holistic sense - that also releases recognisable synergy potentials.
Professionals interested in participating in this work are kindly asked to contact us.
In June, we deal specifically with the sustainable laboratory environment.
assessment group
Is a sustainability assessment of laboratory ventilation possible?
If so, what strategic approach and methods do we need for this? The EGNATON ad hoc group is going into the third round of consultation.
House News
The EGNATON Academy's "Modern Laboratory Planning - Sustainable and Safe" training was conducted online by popular demand. 86 % of the participants successfully took the final exam and received a certificate confirming that they have proof of expertise according to Annex 5 of the German Laboratory Directive .
WG 6 offers a sophisticated Excel file for material selection in the laboratory setup for download.
EGNATON Academy offers open places for the next "Modern Laboratory Design" seminar. -
-> Information and registration (not free of charge)
EGNATON's new strategic cooperation with the regional laboratory trade fairs LAB-SUPPLY
Please also note our
I am obliged to work with very tight budgets. At the same time, sustainability issues demand considerations from a broader perspective and not merely in means of investment. Joining Egnaton allows me to enter a European network of experts who deal with these problems daily. Furthermore, it brings me into contact with reference projects outside my university or country and helps me define the proper answers to these questions.
Paul Lodewijckx, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL), Belgium
As technology coordinator, I have provided the impetus for the further development of sustainability in the laboratory sector with various project approaches since EGNATON was founded. Now I am looking for a successor who will commit to continuing this work.
Dr Christoph Heinekamp, dr. heinekamp Labor- und Institutsplanung GmbH, Karlsfeld, Germany
Contact Download Members only
Copyright © 2025 EGNATON e.V. Im Eichenböhl, D-64625 Bensheim/Germany +49 2153 9098 941
View background
Laboratories change dynamically, partly continuously, and partly disruptively.
EGNATON strives for sustainable answers to emergent changes.
EGNATON's goal is to create international leadership for sustainable German-European laboratory technologies.
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